Perioperative Nursing E-Learning Foundational Programme (PeN Programme)

ECSACONMRCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
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What's in this course?

This course aims to develop nurses’ theoretical and practical understanding of nursing care delivery in the operating theatre environment.

Designed for perioperative nurses

This course has been designed to train in-service perioperative nurses as well as pre-service trainees.


Thirty 1-hour modules

Varied activities

Interactive presentations, assessments, videos etc.



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The East, Central, and Southern Africa College of Nursing and Midwifery (ECSACONM) is the professional body for nurses and midwives in the ECSA Region. It is a technical arm of ECSA Health Community whose aim is to strengthen nursing and midwifery education, practice, research, leadership and management for Professional Excellence and the improvement of the quality of communities in the region.
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Founded as the national training body for surgery in Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland has been at the forefront of healthcare education since its establishment in 1784. Today, RCSI is an innovative, world-leading international health sciences university. Our mission is to educate, nurture and discover for the benefit of human health.

This is a Programme funded by Irish Aid

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